The association’s mission is to address the needs of orphans, abandoned children and street children in deprived areas of China. The “Children of Madaifu” aims to keep such children in their local environment, by giving an allowance to foster families to provide for their fundamental needs and education. The aim of the program is to give hope and dignity back to these children. The association also supports projects aimed at helping the children – directly or indirectly -, on a material, financial, educational or medical level. It also assists the schools and teachers.
Code of conduct
- The Children of Madaifu association, founded by Marcel Roux in 1999, registered in Paris in 2007, with the aim of alleviating distress among orphans, abandoned children and street children in deprived areas of China. Its main goal is to keep these children in the care of family members or in an environment which provides emotional, moral, and educational support.
- Children of Madaifu is a non-profit, apolitical organisation which is not linked to any religion. The association stresses the dignity of each person and aims to promote social justice and equity. It is committed to respecting the laws and regulations of the regions and communities in which it intervenes. Whenever possible, it works alongside the local authorities. It chooses its local partners in a transparent and independent manner.
- Children of Madaifu condemns and prohibits any form of corruption. The association dedicates itself to working with integrity and to using its funds and resources with the sole aim of executing its mission and goals. It is committed to assuring the transparency of its accounts and financial proceedings.
- When a child is placed in a family, Children of Madaifu :
- conducts an inquiry with the local authorities, teachers and families to ensure that the foster family’s few resources justify the association’s help, and that the foster families have the integrity and morality necessary to take care of the child ;
- does not discriminate sexually, racially, socially, ethnically or religiously when selecting the children and families to be supported ;
- has the foster family, in the presence of a representative from the local authorities, sign an agreement of good conduct toward the child, stating that it will exclusively use the allowances given to meet the needs of the child (food, clothing, education); prohibit any physical abuse, sexual harassment or other ; encourage the child in his/her educational pursuits; provide the child with a physical and emotional environment conducive to his/her harmonious development ;
- keep the child in the foster family for at least one year, if possible three years or longer ;
- carry out regular visits, at least quarterly if not monthly, to the families and schools to ensure the child’s good physical and mental health ;
- Fundraising for the Children of Madaifu is based on information that is exact, accurate, and without omission or exaggeration. The association is committed to respecting its donors’ rights :
- keeping the donors’ personal information confidential. We cannot forward any mailing addresses to other associations or organizations ;
- inform donors about the use of the funds.